Title: “Internet Addiction” Author: Kristi Feedback: If you really think it deserves it (kristi@caffeine-sleep.com) Archive: Addicted To Doggett, my sites! Anyone else, please ask. Rating: PG – minor language Website: http://teso-x.caffeine-sleep.com/ Spoilers: It’s a little late for that. Category: Mulder/Krycek friendship, AU Summary: Krycek has a problem and Mulder can’t handle it. They fight. Disclaimer: I do not own Mulder and Krycek. They belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting. Date: August 29, 2003 Author’s Note: Ok, so I write in the dumb style of “Fox & Rat” Virtual Series… I can’t help it… in my dumb little mind, Mulder and Krycek live in Mulder’s apartment… because that’s how it is in the series. If you don’t like, I don’t care! So HA! Anyway, this story is inspired by my dumb upstairs neighbors who had a fight this morning and the guy got locked out of his apartment. LOL He deserves it! And now on with the show. The bright morning sunlight shines into the living room of Mulder’s small apartment. Mulder is sleeping peacefully on his couch. The annoying sound of keyboard clicking is heard. Mulder’s eyes pop open with irritation. He sits up faster than a rabbit. His eyes narrow into a glare at who is on the computer. “ALEX!” Mulder screams. Krycek jumps a bit in his seat and turns around to face Mulder. “Stop it with the damn typing! You’ve been doing it all night!” Mulder scolds. “So!” Krycek says back. “I’m on this message board and these people suck! So I’m bugging the hell out of them!” “You mean you’re in the middle of a flame war?” Mulder says in shock of his Internet habits. “Yeah.” Krycek responds. “I’ve been on since eleven o’clock last night.” Mulder checks his watch. “Alex Krycek! It’s nine o’clock in the frickin’ morning!” Mulder shouts. “So!” Krycek says. “I can’t get off! I love to piss people off! These people are the stupidest I’ve ever seen on the Internet.” Krycek looks back at the computer screen. “I mean, I bring up the name ‘Ferrett’ from the TV show ‘The U-Files’ and these people ban me!” Krycek says, highly amused. “It’s frickin’ hilarious. And they keep letting me back on. I just think they all think I’m damn sexy.” “You’re on the Internet, they can’t see you.” Mulder says. “So! My personality is that sexy.” Krycek responds. “Whatever! I’m going to work!” Mulder says. Mulder gets up off his couch and heads to the door to go to work. Krycek makes no attempt to move from his seat in front of the computer. “63 times!” Krycek shouts happily and pumps his fists in the air to celebrate his sixty-third time being banned from the message board. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Meanwhile, Mulder struts his way into work. He’s worked up about Krycek being on that darn computer all the time. It seems to Mulder that Krycek doesn’t love him as much as he loves that darn message board. Mulder shuffles into the office. Doggett is working hard at his computer. “Please tell me you haven’t been on since eleven o’clock last night!” Mulder yells, getting worried that this Onternet addiction is getting to everyone. “What?” Doggett asks, not sure what the hell Mulder is talking about. Mulder plops down in the chair in front of Doggett’s desk. “Oh, it’s just Alex and this whole Internet thing.” Mulder says, sounding rather glum. “‘Whole Internet thing’?” Doggett asks. “Yeah.” Mulder says. “You do know that the Internet has been around for a long time, right? It’s not new.” Doggett says. “I know. But Alex and I just got DSL put into our apartment and he won’t get off!” Mulder says. “He won’t eat. Won’t sleep. Won’t acknowledge me. It’s so heartbreaking to see him so obsessed and focused on this one message board he found just so he can get into flame wars. It’s like I’m not even there anymore.” “You’re really this bothered by it?” Doggett says, not sure what to think of that. “Yes!” Mulder snaps. “Maybe you should talk to him when you get home tonight.” Doggett suggests. “You know Agent Doggett, I think you’re right. I will!” Mulder says, hope finally restored. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Hours later, Krycek types away at the computer. Mulder enters the apartment. He’s determined to talk to his buddy about this whole computer issue. “Alex, we need to talk.” Mulder states. “Yeah, hold on.” Krycek says, not evening looking at Mulder. “I’m almost done.” He types some more. Mulder sits on the couch to wait. Krycek lets out a laugh and continues to type again. Mulder lets out an irritated sigh. “Alex…” Mulder says. “Yeah, jus a second.” Krycek says, not paying much attention to him. He continues to type away. “Have you had anything to eat, Alex?” Mulder asks. “Nah, don’t need it. I’m fine.” Krycek answers, still not looking at Mulder. “Have you slept today?” Mulder asks. “Nope. Been busy. Besides, who needs sleep cuz I’m never gonna get it. Just like the Bare Naked Ladies song.” Krycek says. “You do know that they aren’t naked ladies right?” Mulder asks. “No kidding Mulder, but when you search for naked ladies on the Internet… some fun things come up!” Krycek lets out an evil laugh. “Ok! I’ve had it up to hear with you!” Mulder shouts and holds his hand above his head. “I think you love that message board more than me!” Krycek turns around. “Oh please Mulder, I don’t love you!” Krycek says. “No kidding! You spend too much time on that message board! You don’t eat. Don’t sleep. What do ya do?!” Mulder yells. “I don’t care what you think!” “You have a problem!” “Do not!” Krycek yells. “Do too!” Mulder yells back. “Do not!” “Do too!” “Not!” “Too!” “Shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Krycek yells. “I do too!” Mulder yells back. “All this month I have slept hearing you type on that computer! I don’t like it! Look at you! You’re a mess! You don’t change your cloths! You smell!” “I do not!” Krycek yells back in defense. “You do too!” Mulder says. “I’ve had enough of you! I want you out!” Krycek stands up quickly. He’s shocked that Mulder is throwing him out. “You can’t do that!” “Oh yes I can!” Mulder yells. “I’m on the lease! You’re not!” Krycek stands there, he doesn’t know how to respond to that. Mulder is right. “You won’t!” Krycek says. “I will too.” Mulder threatens. “We can work it out!” Krycek shouts. “No! It’s too late!” Mulder yells. “Get out!” Mulder goes up to Krycek and pulls him by his T- shirt and drags him to the door and pushes him out. Mulder slams the door on Krycek. “Hey! I’m your best friend!” Krycek yells at Mulder through the door. Mulder doesn’t answer him. He goes over to the computer and unplugs it. He’s had enough of that damn machine. It’s sucking the brainpower right out of his friend. It’s not good. It’s evil! It must go! Out of his mind, Mulder tosses his computer to the ground and it shatters. He goes to where his bedroom would be and digs through a mess and finds an old typewriter. He places the typewriter in the place where his computer use to be. He sits down on his couch satisfied with what he’s done. He huffs and puffs trying to calm himself. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Meanwhile, Krycek walks the streets with nowhere else to go. It’s getting late out and clouds are covering the sky. It starts to rain on him. He looks up in defeat and heads back to Mulder’s apartment. He enters Mulder’s hallway and walks up to apartment 42. He knocks three times. “Who is it?” comes the voice of Mulder through the door. “It’s me, Alex.” Krycek calmly says. “NO!” Mulder shouts back. “You can’t keep me out here!” Krycek yells. “Yeah I can! And I will! Watch me!” Mulder says. “I can’t watch you unless you open the door!” Krycek says. “I’m not falling for that one. Now go away!” Frustrated, Krycek leaves. He heads outside and looks up at the apartment windows. He spots the fire escape. A sly smiles forms on his face. “He thinks he can keep me out. Ha! Watch this punk!” Krycek says. He starts to make his way up the fire escape. He gets to the apartment window and tries to open it. It doesn’t open. Mulder comes over to the window and shakes his finger at him. He mouths off “shame, shame” to Krycek. Pissed, Krycek hits the window. It doesn’t break, but that wasn’t his purpose. Inside the apartment, Mulder sits down and watches TV. Krycek continues to try to get in. The rain outside continues to poor down on him. Krycek glares up at the sky, then at Mulder. Fed up, he leaves. Mulder cackles inside. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next day, Mulder comes down the hallway of the basement office whistling “Good Morning” from the motion picture “Singing In The Rain”. Doggett exits the office and sees Mulder. “Good morning, Mulder”. Doggett says. “That’s what I’m whistling!” Mulder says with a chipper smile. “I’m guessing you talked to Krycek?” Doggett asks. “Yes sir-rie!” Mulder says happily. “I kicked him out! Then he tried to get in through the window. What a halfwit!” Mulder skips into the office and happily takes a seat in front of his computer. Moments later, the elevator dings open and Alex Krycek enters the office. “Mulder, we need to talk.” Krycek says. “Oh, now you want to talk… Uh-huh, I see how it goes.” Mulder says, snubbing him off. “I’m serious.” Krycek says and takes seat in front of Mulder’s desk. “Don’t you have some top secret above the government type things to do, like sell things in Africa that you aren’t suppose to?” Mulder says as he goes over to his x-files and digs out a random file. “You can’t kick me out to live on the streets. It’s not what buddies do.” Krycek says. “Yeah, well buddies don’t snub their other buddies off for a frickin’ computer.” Mulder says. “I’m sorry, Mulder.” Krycek says. “It’s just… it’s just that I finally found a place where I can cause hell and not get in trouble for it.” “You thought wrong!” Mulder says. “I know because I pissed you off.” Krycek says. “And I’m very sorry, Mulder. I just… got caught up in things. This whole Internet thing with DSL is so new and refreshing from that old dial-up we use to have. Ya know?” “No. I don’t know! I pay attention to my friends!” Mulder says. He’s getting upset. “I’m attending a twelve step program for Internet addiction. Its called I.A. – Internet Anonymous.” Krycek says. “Good. Because you have a problem.” “I know I have a problem. Admitting it is the first step.” Krycek says. “I know.” Mulder says. Mulder is finding it hard to be mad at his buddy. After all, Krycek is seeking help. Mulder glances over at him. Krycek keeps giving him a sweet look. “Oh geez!” Mulder says happily and leaps at Krycek and gives him a hug. “I’m so glad we’re friends again!” “Me too!” Krycek says. “Can you get off of me now before people start to wonder?” “Oh, ok!” Mulder says, and quickly gives Krycek a kiss on the cheek. “Oh god! Mulder! Yuk!” Krycek yells in disgust. Mulder sits back down in his seat. “So I can move in again?” Krycek asks. “Yeah. I’m sorry I overreacted.” Mulder says. “You saved me Mulder.” Krycek says with a smile. Mulder smiles back. “I’ve got to go to I.A. now. Don’t want to be late!” Krycek says. “Yeah, they could not, would not want to wait!” Mulder says. Krycek gives him a smile then leaves the office to help fix his Internet addiction. THE END.